Wednesday, 30 July 2014

The Health Benefits of Courgettes

Courgettes or Zucchini are probably one of the most rewarding vegetables, if you have an allotment or garden they grow so easily and need very little maintenance.

My courgettes are blooming at the moment and I love experimenting new recipes and new ways of using this wonderful and versatile vegetable which is formerly an actual fruit.

Here are some of the great health benefits of courgettes:

  • Excellent source of Vitamin C, especially when used raw, which is an essential water soluble nutrient  protecting all the body cells from free radical damage. A whole cup of sliced courgettes contains 19.2  milligrams of Vitamin C which equals to 32% of  your daily recommended intake. Combined with the  juice of a small lemon you will get over 50% of your recommended daily intake of Vitamin C.
  • Great source of Lutein and Zeaxanthin which are classed as two of the most powerful antioxidants  to promote healthy eyesight. They acts as a filter to the eye protecting it from harmful light rays.      The American Optometric Association notes that a daily intake of 6 milligrams can potentially reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration. A cup of chopped courgettes provides 2.4 milligrams of  lutein and zeaxanthin therefore proving nearly half of the recommended daily intake .
  • Good source of Dietary fiber which are essential to keep a healthy gut due to their cleansing effect keep cholesterol levels at bay, optimize toxins and hormones by products excretion form the body. A whole cup contains 1.2 grams of fiber which gives you 5% of you recommended daily intake.

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