Monday, 15 September 2014

Lipedema Challenge: Month 7

Living with Lipedema: Part 2 (The real fight)

It's been a while since I last wrote, being busy with our vegetable allotment, work and cooking.  Oh and of course I got engaged in the meantime too so a lot of exciting planning ahead !!
However I have also being very focused on my fat loss goals and was working out very hard and try to give it my best shot. It was a tough long journey, with weak moments, up and downs and a lot of insecurity of whether Lipedema could actually improve.

Well the results speak for themself, I was shocked to see such a drop on my leg and hip size as to me I was still the same size in the mirror. This goes to show how little WEIGHT loss matters compared to FAT loss. As you can see I am down 3.4kg in 4 months, which is a steady and proper weight loss.

Virginia Lipedema Progress:

Measurements: 75.4 kg
(May 2014)
Measurements: 72 kgs
(September  2014)
35.5 inch
34 inch
32.5 inch
30.5 inch
37.5 inch
34.5 inch
Upper arm
12 inch
11 inch
Upper leg
25.5 inch
22 inch
17.5 inch
17 inch

The REAL results is that I am lifting heavier, feeling stronger, feeling confident and motivated. REAL changes don't happen overnight and quick fixes are the road to failure. As a Lipedema sufferer this is a great achievement for me and keeps me fighting against this horrible and debilitating disease that is poorly understood and dealt with possibly all the wrong advice.

I would like to thank my wonderful and so inspiring  Functional Medicine Doctor for the great interest and effort she put for my case so far. Not to mention my amazing Personal Trainer which doesn't just keep you motivated but understands REAL life challenges and works around them to achieve best results.

Now let's hit the next target ...69 kg of muscles, strength and Lipedema FAT loss!!